[Linux-Biella] Memoria non vista
Claudio M.
Mon, 8 Jul 2002 12:15:00 +0200
Il giorno Mon, 8 Jul 2002 12:08 +0200
Luca Bertoncello <lucabert@lucabert.de> scrisse:
> Mi sembra di ricordare che c'era un qualcosa da mettere nel LILO per
> risolvere il problema (append=...), ma non ricordo come funzionava...
man bootparam:
The BIOS call defined in the PC specification that returns the amount
of installed memory was only designed to be able to report up to 64MB.
Linux uses this BIOS call at boot to determine how much memory is
installed. If you have more than 64MB of RAM installed, you can use
this boot arg to tell Linux how much memory you have. The value is in
decimal or hexadecimal (prefix 0x), and the suffixes `k' (times 1024) or
`M' (times 1048576) can be used. Here is a quote from Linus on usage of
the `mem=' parameter.
``The kernel will accept any `mem=xx' parameter you give it, and if
it turns out that you lied to it, it will crash horribly sooner or
later. The parameter indicates the highest addressable RAM address, so
`mem=0x1000000' means you have 16MB of memory, for example. For a
96MB machine this would be `mem=0x6000000'.
NOTE NOTE NOTE: some machines might use the top of memory for BIOS
cacheing or whatever, so you might not actually have up to the full 96MB
addressable. The reverse is also true: some chipsets will map the
physical memory that is covered by the BIOS area into the area just
past the top of memory, so the top-of-mem might actually be 96MB + 384kB
for example. If you tell linux that it has more memory than it actually
does have, bad things will happen: maybe not at once, but surely
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